Selasa, 01 November 2016

Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Sumpah Pemuda

By Ian di 02.50.00
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning to all of you who be there in here at this time. include audience, all crew and all judge which i respect and proud.
Praise to The God  for this meeting and we can be gather in this place now.
For this time, I would like to speech about Youth Pledge.
To all Indonesian youths,
 Right 88 years ago in October 28th 1928, all Indonesian youths be gather in one place and discuss about something, and got agreement that known as Youth Pledge. They discuss it with their highly nationalism spirit to achieve a independence. And today, all Indonesian youths has been united by Youth Pledge for 88 years.
So, we must thankful to them because we can enjoy this freedom. Not only thankful to them but we must to do something good to continue their struggle.
 There are a lot of things that we can do, as like give a contribution to our beloved country with our good ability.
There are a lot of positively things that we can do in our age, as like show our ability. We must show it not only in our school, but also we have to show it to international level too. Let all another countries know that we can show our good ability, as our dedication to the country.
Let we remind a moment of Youth Pledge to unites all Indonesian youths and back to bound spirit. Let we become Indonesian youths who have a creativity and be useful for our country. And i hope we also obey to The God.
So for the last, I want to invite all of Indonesian youth together to build a better Indonesia for the future. Let we show the world if Indonesian youth is better than before.
And today, we must remember how brave is Indonesian youth 88 years ago. So, we as new generation of Indonesian youth and as the future of Indonesia must prove that we can continue the struggle to make Indonesia better and better again.
Maybe that's all for my speech about Youth Pledge. My apologize if I had any mistakes. And thank you for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Salam Hangat



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